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Extending the VFS

The @neodx/vfs provides a powerful plugin system that allows you to extend the VFS functionality with any custom logic.

Even the built-in features like glob or prettier are implemented as plugins and could be dropped (see createHeadlessVfs). createVfs is literally implemented as a composition of plugins:

function createVfs(path, params) {
  return createHeadlessVfs(path, params).pipe(
    eslint(/* ... */),
    prettier(/* ... */),

Let's overview the plugin system and see how to create a custom plugin.

Using plugins

The concept of plugins is very simple: vfs provides a .pipe method that accepts a list of plugins and returns a new vfs instance with the plugin applied.

import { createHeadlessVfs, json, scan } from '@neodx/vfs';

const vfs = createHeadlessVfs('path/to/dir');

const vfsWithJson = vfs.pipe(json());
const vfsWithJsonAndScanV1 = vfs.pipe(json(), scan());
// same as
const vfsWithJsonAndScanV2 = vfsWithJson.pipe(scan());

Plugins should provide types for their extensions, so you will always know what methods are available on the vfs instance.

Under the hood types are a bit more complex, but in the result you will see clean and safe types, for example:

export async function readManifests(vfs = defaultVfs) {
  const manifests = await vfs.glob('**/manifest.json');
  const entries = await Promise.all( path => [path, await vfs.readJson(path)] as const)

  return Object.entries(entries);

const defaultVfs = createHeadlessVfs(process.cwd()).pipe(glob(), json());
//    ^?  PublicVfs<BaseVfs & GlobPluginApi & JsonPluginApi>

// OK
await readManifests(createVfs('/'));
// OK
await readManifests(createHeadlessVfs('/').pipe(json(), glob(), eslint()));
await readManifests(createHeadlessVfs('/').pipe(json()));
Types error

Writing plugins

Plugins are just functions that accept vfs instance and return a new vfs instance with additional methods (mutable style if prefer).

Plugins should be created with createVfsPlugin factory.

A minimal plugin looks like this:

import { createVfsPlugin, createHeadlessVfs } from '@neodx/vfs';

type MyPluginExtensions = {
  myMethod(): string;

const plugin = createVfsPlugin<MyPluginExtensions>('my-plugin', vfs => {
  vfs.myMethod = () => 'Hello, world!';
  return vfs;

const vfs = createHeadlessVfs('/').pipe(plugin);

vfs.myMethod(); // Hello, world!

Plugin also accepts a private API that could be used to subscribe to vfs events and access the context object.

Let's create a plugin that will install npm dependencies on package.json change.

type NpmPluginApi = {
  install(): Promise<void>;

const npm = createVfsPlugin<NpmPluginApi>('npm', (vfs, { context, beforeApply }) => {
  const log = context.log.child('npm');

  vfs.install = async () => {'Installing dependencies...');
    await exec('npm install', { cwd: context.path });

  beforeApply(async changes => {
    if (!changes.some(change => change.path.endsWith('package.json'))) return;'package.json changed');
    await vfs.install();
  return vfs;

Now we can use it everywhere:

const vfs = createHeadlessVfs('/').pipe(json(), npm);

await vfs.install(); // install dependencies
await vfs.updateJson('package.json', json => {
  json.dependencies = { ...json.dependencies, 'my-package': '1.0.0' };
await vfs.apply(); // install will be called automatically, because package.json changed

Built-in plugins

We have a few built-in plugins that you can use out of the box:

Released under the MIT License.